Monday 11 October 2010

Cult Fiction: Religious Liberalism

For me, a religious liberal is someone who identifies themselves as a 'Christian', but does not necessarily subscribe to all of the religious dogma, especially some of the hard line beliefs. For the liberal, religion is not about literal interpretation of such scriptures as the Bible, but instead, about personal interpretation, about love, community and finding individual meaning from the words. Faith, for the moderate, is there for strength, to ensure a morally good life is being lead, and to comfort the 'believer'. I have encountered many who will call themselves 'Christians', but have not read the first paragraph of the Bible. Many that call themselves 'believers' but have not stepped foot in a church on a Sunday, instead, they gorge on their un-holy portions of roast. And they will say; "what is the problem? I like to think something is out there and that i can go somewhere when i snuff it. We are all free to think what we think, you can't tell me what to believe!"

Correct, i cannot bestow upon you what i think you should think, after all i am not a fascist, but what i will do is illuminate what you believe, and from the darkness drag up the problems i see with it.

The problem is that the liberal is cherry-picking from a fully documented religion. He chooses what he wants to believe from it, most likely the earliest taught and the easiest concepts to comprehend; Heaven, Hell and the ten commandments. He will also, however, disregard the religious claims that are harder to justify to the modern intelect; that God created the universe in 7 days but 6,000 years ago and put every living organism on the earth as we see it today.

This, much to the disappointment of many millions of liberals, can't be done due to both logical issues and the terms and conditions of subscribing to a religion. It is not logically consistent to accept distant and widely accepted parts of Christianity but reject the rest of the claims that are intrinsically linked to it. The Bible is either the word of God and thus infallible, or it is nothing; meaningless, a marvel comic. If one genuinely believes some part of Christian dogma is true but does not agree with it in its entirety, then they are not Christian, they are in fact, as atheistic and as blasphemous is i am.

Do not take my word for it of course, turn to Christianity itself. If you do not take Genesis seriously, you are not a Christian, and you will suffer the torments of Hell. If you do not believe that Jesus was resurrected and that he will be resurrected once more, you will suffer the torments of Hell. If you do not pray and if you do not go to church, you will suffer the torments of Hell. If you do not accept the every word of the Bible to be true, then you are not a Christian, you have adapted the original dogma for your own ends, and thus, if it is the ultimate reality, you will burn. If you thought my atheistic stance was blunt, now you know how the true Christian thinks of the liberal; that they are nothing but an example of false belief going through life making a mockery of true faith.

Any 'religious' man who stands before you and says this is incorrect, that the Bible is there for interpretation and to act as a guide to perfect morality is, in fact, wrong since this claim is entirely groundless, from whence has he made this conclusion? The Bible claims to be Gods word, to suggest that it is anything other than this is unfounded, he has simply made it up so as to; One, Justify his stance of not obeying the Bibles out of date and, frankly, ridiculous word, and two, to ensure the maintenance of his 'Faith' and his stairway to heaven.

We used to be more reliant on faith, the further you go back in time, the more reliant we were. It was the gap filler, the explanation for the unknown (of which we have an inherent fear of), and as time has progressed, as has our knowledge of the universe. This has meant at each generation, since the enlightenment, religion, as a whole, has been diminishing. Yes, the number of believers, but more importantly, the number of people who can legitimately be labelled, actually Christian, and who actually read the Bible and cling hopelessly to its every word. Instead, given the advancements in technology and knowledge, there has been an emergence of religious liberalism that is growing exponentially.

As belief becomes less devout in families, as a result of science's unforgiving assault upon religious claims, the true teachings of that religion find themselves un-taught. Each generation bases their faith on what they are told about their faith, not what they have read about it. Unless complete purist indoctrination occurs, based on the traditional scriptures, the only result for the modern religious community is Hell (if Christianity be true of course). If they believe because their family does, and they have not read the Bible for themselves, they will be thrown upon a firey stalagmite just like i will because they will not be carrying out the necessary actions, the actions that the Bible order, that God orders. Actual belief does not permeate through inheritance, through hymns or weekly murmurs of the lords prayer, but instead through reasoning, autonomic choice and the true understanding of what the dogma is proclaiming.
These people are religiously uneducated, they do not know what it means to be a Christian and thus live their lives under a false banner. If they actually took time to read the Bibles dangerous, ancient and absurd claims, they would spontaneously combust into an atheist, of that, i have no doubt.

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