Friday 1 October 2010

Cult Fiction: Spoilt For Choice

In the face of an overwhelming, ever growing religious audience, i thought I'd stop beating my head into the desk, take my fist out of my mouth and some time off the constant unhappiness i seem to feel towards some things, and offer a series of logical and rational arguments, each week, to deconstruct some of the more ill conceived theological arguments and claims. The main focus is on Christianity, it's scriptures and subscribers. Look out for the posts titled 'Cult fiction...'
These are not areas for debate or discussion, since ultimately, the evidence to discredit the Bible and the God of classical theism is copious, hard hitting and potentially devastating. After considering it, using reason as it should be used, there is no coherent argument left to assert that the Christian God is a reality.

Pascal was misinformed. He asserted that you are better off to gamble on the reality of Christianity and the existence of God ringing true than not gamble at all, for if it payed off, you are rewarded with eternal life and if not, you lived a morally sound life. He was wrong, for actually, you may find your self ball deep in an Islamic world of shiite, and eternal suffering for worshipping a false God. You may find the gamble has led into another ten thousand years of birth, death and rebirth through the wasting of a sacred life in the human form.

What is staggering is the Christian (and religious) ignorance towards probability. That actually, there is nothing distinct between their beliefs and the beliefs of others; they all share ill-supported, soft 'evidence' through prayer and miracle, and an astonishingly vacuous bank of real, empirical evidence. How they can say 'Christianity is the one true and infallible religion' and criticise others is beyond me. On what grounds can they elude to this? 'My beliefs are true but yours aren't because i believe them and that's all the counts lah lah lah'. Playground reasoning has never stood highly in my books...

I think what is worse is the similarity between Islam and Christianity. It makes them almost inseparable. Both are (or should be) irrational, unjustifiable and highly dangerous to the eyes of a scientist, but to each other, i don't know how they stand, how they could disagree with the exactly similar claims of the other religion without disagreeing with the claims of their own? After all, the differences in some places is as elementary as a changed name or place. With so many religions, promising eternal life and having a novel written by their God, we're almost spoilt for choice.

There is nothing to say the Gods of old; the Norse Deitys or the Roman divine are any less conceivable or any less a reality than any other God. Just as humankind made the advance from Paganism to the world religions as we know them, i am suggesting that we make the next advance, from the age of the world religions into the age of reason.

Every devout believer holds the same reasons for being a believer, no matter their faith. Yet a Christian will not see a Hindus or a Muslims reasons as legitimate. Despite the copious scripture and extensive writings that illuminate every last detail of their faith and God, their scripture is not infallible whilst the Christians is. Of course every religion's devout followers are guilty of this obscenity, but as i said, the most expansive religion in the world will serve as my rather fitting example.

In the same way the Christian will denounce other faiths beliefs as preposterous and find salvation in their teachings, i do the same with Christianity itself. Every religious believer knows the intense feeling of being an atheist, a non believer, with respect to the other all other religions, They must also, therefore, know well the feeling of frustration and how plainly obvious it is that what they believe is false.

As ever, if you care to show me the differences between the validity of Christian claims and the claims of Islam, the differences that show that one is the word of God whilst the other is the word of uneducated man, i will listen, intently.

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