Tuesday 11 January 2011

Cult Fiction: The 30 Second Smackdown

Many think that the ancient conflict between science and religion cannot be solved and that any attempt to do so is a meaningless exercise. Not only is it not meaningless, but it is finite; there is a right answer. As reason continues to headbutt the wall, with not much more than a neck now after thousands of years, it is time to make it undeniably plain. Consider this the Atomic power. The smackdown.

If you have greater cognitive ability than a chimp, or Kerry Katona, the delivery of this series of logical facts should leave a Christian speechless and his beliefs groundless in about 30 seconds flat. Got your timer ready? Go.!

Jesus states in the Bible (the unquestionable word of God) that he will return for the second coming within the lifespan of his disciples. We know that they are dead and this has not happened. This leaves us with four possible options:

  • One, the Bible recorded it wrong and thus can no longer be considered the infallible word of God. All within it must be disregarded. Christianity: Destroyed
  • Two, Jesus was wrong about his second coming and therefore is not an infallible, perfect being. Christianity: Destroyed.
  • Three, Jesus had the audacity to lie and therefore is not an infallible, perfect being. Christianity: Destroyed.
  • Four, the entire claim is made up, and thus the Bible can no longer be regarded as the infallible word of God. Christianity: Destroyed.

This is the question has plagued reason for Milena. Within 30 seconds the opposition is forced onto the back foot and very almost onto the floor.

Whilst this should have convinced you, perhaps it did not. Let's try one more...Reset the timer for another round of 30 seconds yet? Go!

We know the speed of light; we can measure it exactly (299,792,458 metres per second), and we have measures such as redshift and parallax to know the approximate location of distant stars. We can then, from this, say it took a certain number of years for light from stars to reach the observing telescope (distance of the star divided by the distance light can transverse in one year).

If the Stars were created on the fourth day like the word of God profoundly states, making them about 6,000 years old, many of the stars that we are able see in the night's sky would not yet be visable to us since the light could not have possibly reached earth. Stars must be at least as old as the time it took their light to reach us from their previously measured distance. A star ten billion light years away would be ten billion years old. Christianity: Destroyed.

Remarkably, these obtuse blunders are riddled throughout God's divine word. Here i have ruthlessly dragged forth from the black just two, simply to show how easy it is to deconstruct the alleged 'good book' and it's readers beliefs. Whilst i could sit here are spill essays worth of these logical transgressions, i feel i should do something a little more challenging; such as playing a sock at battleships.

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